TUPD at the Special Olympics

On Sunday, November 12, Tufts University Police Department members attended the annual Special Olympics Flag Football Competition held at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro.
police officers with athletes at the 2022 Special Olympics of Massachusetts

On Sunday, November 12, Tufts University Police Department members attended the annual Special Olympics Flag Football Competition held at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro. Flag football is one of several sporting events that the Special Olympics of Massachusetts hosts across the state.

During their attendance, TUPD became a sponsor of the Dirty Dozen thanks to the efforts of self-proclaimed “Officer” Joe Doucette of Peabody. Helmed by quarterback Corey, the team took home bronze medals in their division.

The Special Olympics serves MA communities by providing year-round sports training and competitions in a variety of Olympic-type sports for all children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Events include the Boston Marathon, Polar Plunge, and a number of tournaments for each season.

For more information about the Special Olympics, visit the Special Olympics website.